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Maranatha Shabiba Conference is an exciting North American, Christ-centered gathering of Christian young adults of predominantly Arab & Middle Eastern origin. Needless to say, everyone is welcome to attend regardless of ethnicity.
Founded in 1998, the conference is held annually at the end of August, on the weekend before Labor weekend, at the breathtaking sandy beaches of Lake Michigan at Maranatha Bible & Missionary Conference Center in Muskegon, Michigan, USA.
Hundreds from around the USA, Canada and other parts of the world gather to worship, pray, hear the word of God, meet old & new friends, compete in sports and have an unforgettable time; making Maranatha Shabiba a popular, spiritually and mentally refreshing vacation destination for the young adults.
Expect a unique experience at the 4-day/3-night conference!
Many programs and activities are offered at Maranatha Shabiba; including:
Worship, Messages, Prayers & Discussions,
Nightly Programs with games, talents and skits,
Bonfires (Nightly at the beach),
Sports Tournaments (Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Ping Pong & others),
Art, Crafts, Canoeing & more.
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